Emke Vreugdenhil


Motto: Safety is a basic human need.

Who am I?

I have over 30 years of experience as an employment law attorney for both employers and employees. Additionally, I serve as an external confidential advisor. Although in both roles, crossing boundaries can be an issue, I can never perform these roles simultaneously. When I am a confidential advisor, I am not an attorney, and vice versa. In both roles, ensuring confidentiality, listening, and providing support are important, and I enjoy doing so.

I spend my free time on hobbies such as painting, playing tennis, or swimming in the (icy) sea. I am also involved in governance. There is more time for this now that my children have flown the nest, leaving me with my husband and cat.

Sector: Business services, Media, Healthcare, Construction, Education

Profession / experience: Employment law attorney

Clients: Employees and managers

Region: North- and South-Holland, Utrecht

Languages: Dutch, excellent English, reasonably proficient in French and German

Want to make an appointment?

Please contact us for more information or an informal meeting.

We would be happy to make an appointment to look at the possibilities.